Some time ago I was asked to write a piece on the subject of “Women and Climate Change” for a women’s journal, however, unfortunately the publication had to fold and the essay was returned to me. So after some thought, I’ve decided to put it here on my blog. It’s longer than my usual posts, more of a long-form essay, but read on—I hope you find it interesting! In the same month that COP 28 (The annual Conference of the Parties to the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change) opened in November 2023 in Dubai, Britain’s BBC published its...
The WomenSong Blog is my indulgence—a chance to write about women’s lives from the past to the present. I plan to write not only about women whose names are well known, but women with unheralded accomplishments. Many visitors to this blog will know that I have been interested in women’s history since childhood—since I created my first book at the age of eight. It was a task set in class, for each pupil to produce a “topic book” on something we were interested in. We had to not only research and write the content (though the word “research” was not used—instead it was called “Finding out”), and we created the cover in our art and craft lessons, finally stitching the pages and boards together. Finally we had to present our topic to the class. I loved making that book—and it opened a window for me. Though the women in my “Famous Women” topic book were all well known, as time went on, I became equally interested in women whose accomplishments had been forgotten or never acknowledged. So, as noted, this is my indulgence, a chance to write about the lives of women. I hope you enjoy the posts.
Read more about Jacqueline Winspear here
Note: This blog is not allied to any other organization using the word “WomenSong.”